HOWEVER, the day after I put it up, an inspector from the City left a VIOLATION NOTICE on our doorstep. Even though I checked with the City about permits (not needed here since it was less than 120 sf, I neglected to research the setbacks enough. So, instead of fighting an uphill battle, I took the walls back down, took the sub floor up and moved about 1/2 of the piers over by 4' ft or so. It ended up only taking another 1/2 day to do this and it was probably good that I was noticed rather than building it all out and finding out after the fact.
1. When installing the corrugated metal, USE HEAVY GLOVES. This stuff can cause a nasty cut, like a paper cut but much worse.
2. You will probably get some splinters working on this project - a good way to get them out is with duct tape, especially the small ones that are hard to tweezer.
3. I could not find the Man O War varnish anywhere, not even West Marine - this may be due to the very strict CA air quality rules. I spoke with a guy @ West Marine and he recommended "Cetol Marine Light".